8000er Club

Giripremi's 8000er Club


The Concept

Lying between the Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan plateau, the gigantic Himalayan mountain range is an enigma for mankind for ages. Along with several other things, it is a home of the fourteen highest mountain peaks in the world. These peaks rise 8000 meters above sea level, right into the death zone. The world beyond 8000 meters is simply unimaginable. The bone-chilling cold, lack of oxygen, gushing winds, everything seems to test the determination of mankind. Yet, humans have dared to touch these forbidden heights. Since the 19th century, mountaineers have attempted to climb these deadly summits, including Mount Everest. After relentless efforts of almost 5 decades, a human succeeded in scaling the heights of all fourteen 8000ers. The legendary mountaineer Reinhold Messner became the first to achieve this honor in 1986. Since then only 33 mountaineers across the world could achieve this feat, none of them is Indian. Despite the fact that the mighty Himalayas stand tall as a crown of our country, India has missed a precious opportunity of scaling the 14 8000ers.  Several mountaineers summitted on various mountains amongst 14 8000ers, however no one, not even on organizational level, could achieve the magnanimous feat.

However, Giripremi dreams big. Following the footsteps of the legends like Reinhold Messner, Giripremi dreamt of climbing all these high mountains. In the journey, Giripremi’s mountaineers have now reached six of 14 8000er’s summit in just six years. After the grand success of Mount Everest Expedition in 2012, Giripremi launched a program, ‘Quest of 8000er,’ to take the tricolour on all 14 highest peaks.

Mountaineering expeditions to extreme altitudes involve huge costs which include permit fee, cost of Sherpas, transport, equipment and so on. To cover these costs and create a sustainable source of funds, Giripremi has come up with an idea of ‘The 8000er Club.’ A group of likeminded people who believe that ‘Mountaineering is not just a sport, but a way of life!’ and would like to be there as a backbone of Giripremi’s Quest of 8000ers!

Since its inception, ‘The 8000er Club’ is helping Giripremi to scale new heights. With the support of 8000er club, Giripremi reached the summit of ‘Mount Manaslu’ (The world’s eighth highest mountain) in September 2017 and Mt. Kangchenjunga (the world’s third-highest mountain) in 2019.  

For more details or to join as member please contact Chandan Chavan – 7767031975 or email us at giripremi@gmail.com