Name of the a/c : GIRIPREMI Name of the bank : IDBI BANK Branch : Apte Road, Deccan Gymkhana A/C No. 0502104000116114 IFSC Code : IBKL0000502
Through UPI
you can scan the QR code (1000200610000003.7767031975@idbi) copy entire id with the ‘dot’.
** Kindly communicate us once you transfer the amount to the above account or UPI and please send your Name, Contact Number, Address, PAN to following email or whatsapp on 9769302934, so that we can send you a receipt.
Online Donation
You can also donate using Debit / Credit cards here
Giripremi Pillers who support us through CSR
8000er Club
Become a part of Giripremi’s Elite group where like mind mountain enthusiasts come together to raise support for Giripremi’s 8000er expeditions, for details please contact us.