Giripremi's 39th AGM : 11th Nov 2021

Yesterday on 11th Nov 2021, Giripremi’s 39th Annual General Meeting took place. 51 members were present during the meeting and various key topics were discussed and new initiatives were finalized. Under the guidance of club’s veteran mountaineers, Ushaprabha Page, Anand Palande, Umesh Zirpe, Chandan Chavan, Shripad Gokhale, Avinash Foujdar, and Dilip Nimbalkar, new working committee of Giripremi for 2021-22 – 2023-24 was elected as follows:
President : Jayant Tulpule
Working President : Anand Mali
Secretary : Vivek Shivade
Treasurer : Pawan Hadole

Committee Members:
Bhushan Harshe
Dr. Sumit Mandale
Ashish Mane
Varun Bhagwat

The meeting concluded with everyone congratulating and extending best wishes to the new working committee.

Giripremi: Mountaineering for Happiness!