Giripremi Team Summits Mt. Annapurna I

What an astounding feat Giripremi achieved today!!

Giripremi’s team – Bhushan Harshe, Dr. Sumit Mandale, Jitendra Gaware, led by Shivcchatrapati Awardee Shri. Umesh Zirpe makes it to the top of Mt. Annapurna I (8091 m), 10th highest mountain in the world.

After a spell of terrible snowfall and bone chilling cold winds at night, determined and braveheart Giripremians make reached to the top of the peak on 16th Apr 2021. This marks Giripremi’s 8th successful 8000er expedition after a series of Everest (2012), Lhotse (2013), Makalu (2014), Cho Oyu & Dhaulagiri (2016), Manaslu (2017), and Kangchenjunga (2019).

This impressive success which yesterday morning seemed quite distant due to unprecedented drama of shortage of rope in route opening, has come to fruition; thanks to Giripremi expedition leader Umesh Zirpe and Sherpa Sirdar Chhang Dawa, who on a warfooting efforts arranged the necessary gear all the way to Camp 4 yesterday afternoon.

Thus, the second attempt of route opening began yesterday night (15th Apr 2021) and along with them, all the climbing teams followed route opening team. In the cold nights with snowfall till late night, Giripremi team set forth for the final push from camp 4 (7000 m). Team had a mountainous task of scaling 1100 height gain. Entire night team has been trudging upwards. By 11:00 AM, team reached below a steep culoir, a crux before the final summit. Above the culoir, it was just 50 m gain with moderate elavation which team negotiated quickly. 

Mingma Tenzi stands atop Annapurna I. He is reportedly the first from route opening team to reach to the top. 

Followed by route opening team, Bhushan Harshe, Dr. Sumit Mandale, and Jitendra Gaware made it to the top of Annapurna I and brought Giripremi the glory it deserves. 8th and one of the most formidable 8000er – Mt. Annapurna is summitted!!! What a moment for Giripremi! For Pune! For Maharashtra.. and nonetheless INDIA!! Tricolour fluttered at 8091 m and the wibes of the success rippled across the globe!

This success has just been possible due to immense support and blessings from countless mountain lovers and Giripremi believers. We sincerely explress our thanks to all of you for standing firmly by Giripremi’s side. 


Expedition Leader – Umesh Zirpe


1. Bhushan Harshe
2. Dr. Sumit Mandale
3. Jitendra Gavare
4. Yogendar Garbiyal
5. Sheetal
6. Gina Marie
7. Christopher Warner
8. Tracee Lee
9. Maya Sherpa 
10. Dawa Ongju Sherpa
11. Mingmar Thindu Sherpa
12. Pasang Sherpa (Zarok)
13. Pasang Sherpa (Taplejung)
14. Mingma Ongya Sherpa
15. Pasang Tenji Sherpa
16. Tamting Sherpa
17. Chhiring Sherpa
18. Pasang Sherpa
19. Phurba Pasang Sherpa