Book Library

Giripremi Books and Library

One Place- More than 500 books, hundreds of literary material and 25 years of legacy

Mountaineering has inspired generations. Mountaineering books, films, documentaries have been playing a crucial role in building an ecosystem. Giripremi emphasized it by creating a state-of-the-art mountaineering library. Nandu Page Memorial Mountaineering Library is functioning for the last 25 years and has more than 500 books and magazines on mountaineering in English and Marathi languages. The documentation CDs and DVDs of expeditions, biographies of veteran mountaineers, journals, handbooks and reference materials on mountaineering, first aid, and skill development make Nandu Page Memorial Mountaineering Library versatile academia of mountaineering.

Books and Publications

Giripremi has a pool of writers who have penned down their mountaineering experiences translated the stories of legends and highlighted the mountaineering field in their own ways. Here is the list of prominent books by Giripremi members.

Below displayed books are available in hard copies in Giripremi's Store.

Girikandariche Ekande Shiledar (Marathi)

Anatoli 'chya Diarytun (Marathi)

८००० मीटर उंचीवरील पहिल्या यशस्वी हशखर चढाईची यशोगाथा

By Mr. Jayant Tulpule
Senior Member and Veteran mountaineer from Giripremi.

Contact us if you wish to buy any of our books. 

    Ekande Shiledar – Marathi
    Everest-A Story of Perseverance -Marathi
    Everest-A Story of Perseverance -English
    Dongar Yatra
    Parvatputra Sherpa – Marathi
    The Sherpa – English
    Mountaineering for Kids – English
    Mountaineering for Kids – Marathi
    Anatoli's Diary – Marathi
    Everester – Surendra Chavhan
    Yashogatha Annapurnachi – Dr. Sumit Mandale

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