
अन्नपूर्णा आपल्याकडे लग्न झाल्यावर मुलीला सासरी पाठवताना अन्नपूर्णेची मूर्ती देतात. हातात मोठी पळी घेतलेली अन्नपूर्णा. हेतू किंवा प्रार्थना ही की हे अन्नपूर्णे माझ्यावर प्रसन्न हो. मी जो स्वयंपाक करते, त्यास रुची येऊ दे, त्यात सात्विकता येऊ दे. ते खाऊन सर्व…

Annapurna I live Updates

Annapurna I Expedition Live Updates 17 Apr 2021 8:30 PM Team Giripremi reached basecamp. The expedition is successful! 8th in a row of ‘Quest of 8000ers’! 3:00 PM On a historic day of 16th Apr 2021 almost 70 summits (exact…

Giripremi Scales Ama Dablam

Giripremi Climbs Mt. Ama Dablam Vivek Shivade & Jitendra Gaware from Giripremi climbed Mt. Ama Dablm on 29th Oct 2019. Mt. Ama Dablam (6812 m) is a technically challenging climb in Nepal Himalaya. It offers challenges of ice and rock…

Kangchenjunga – A dream turning into reality

How I got into Kangchenjunga Team My excitement levels were at their highest as I boarded the flight to Kathmandu. My first ever 8000er expedition – after a long wait – none other than Mt. Kangchenjunga – with Giripremi’s most…

Giripremi Scales world’s 6th highest mountain

Giripremi summits world’s 6th highest mountain Giripremi’s quest of 8000er continues as on 16th May 2016, two experienced mountaineers of Giripremi – Ganesh More & Dr. Sumit Mandale, reach the top of world’s sixth highest mountain – Cho Oyu (8201…

Ganesh More’s 2nd 8000er

Ganesh Mekes his 2nd while Dr. Sumit reaches his maiden 8000er summit Ganesh More, famously known as ‘Giripremi’s Sherpa’, makes it to his 2nd 8000er summit as he ascends Mt. Cho Oyu along with Dr. Sumit Mandale. In 2013, Ganesh…